A few of our generous partners and sponsors for 2013 are:
- Every volunteer planning to serve!
- Orange Leaf
- Danville Medical Billing
- Don McMullin with Signature Seating, Inc.
- Todd Baldridge, City Webmaster
- Stephanie Moran, Anderson University Community Partnership Center
- City of Anderson, Anderson Street Deparment
- Anderson University
- Anderson City Beautification Committee
- City of Anderson, Community Development Department
- City of Anderson, Community Development Department
If you are looking for a way to get involved, we have listed some of our areas of need:
- Volunteer!
- Group Leader
- Project Submission
- Trucks to haul materials
- Equipment (Lawn care, paint, trash bags, etc.)
- Food/water for volunteers
- Monetary support
- Promotions/Advertising
o Radio
o Billboard
o Banner
o Online Promotion
Please email us at operationfoundationpa@gmail.com if you are interested in contributing!
As always, we appreciate your help!